Are those familiar to you?
There are many forms and varying symptoms for 'dizzy feelings'. They may be short episodes, frequent or rare. They may last for seconds or hours. You may feel nauseous.
Being on a rollercoaster is not the feeling you want with your daily activities.
There are a multitude of reasons why you feel 'dizzy'. The most commonly treated is BPPV, benign positional postural vertigo. These tend to be episodes of minutes to hours of the world spinning after moving to a particular posture such as sitting up from lying down or just turning over in bed, or turning your head. It is caused by crystals in your inner ear coming loose and stimulating receptors wrongly, giving your brain the wrong or conflicting information. Closing your eyes to reduce conflict often helps. Treating BPPV is usually the first therapy to try. Your practitioner will lie you down and move your head tot try to move the crystals to a safer palce so they can be reabsorbed with time.
What if this is not the correct diagnosis?
It may be simply because one ear is full of wax giving unbalanced info to your sensors and brain.
It may be post-viral, where your balance system is still fighting off the effects of a virus infection.
It may be to do with your hearing or blocked sinuses, or even a dental problem.
More seriously you may have had a mini-stroke (TIA - Transient Ischaemic Attack).
We can help you find the reason for your dizziness and start to help you recover.
There are structural lesions that can be identified via imaging where symptoms are extreme. Then there are 'soft' lesions, this is when your 'software' has gone wrong - the messaging between brain, body and vestibular system.
Soft lesions are the ones where good vestibular diagnosis and appropriate rehab can help. Our clinic is highly trained in this approach.