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Chronic Back Pain


Perhaps you had an injury as a child, in sports or just falling off a swing. It seemed to have healed but left you with anything from occasional twinges or aches especially with certain tasks, to regular acute episodes.

Yes, it did heal but the muscles around the injury are not 'balanced'. The messaging to and from the brain are corrupt. This is called disafferentation (to the brain) and dysefferentation (from the brain). By balancing the muscles with accurately targeting areas (usually muscle attachments) balance can be improved resulting in smoother movement and hopefully reinjury less likely. This is acheived by following your individual plann, attending sessions and completing yor specified homework (exercises or activity). Everyone is different and have had different life experiences (even identical twins) so the optimal treatment is designed just for you.

Flare-ups (acute episodes) are best dealt with by icing (briefly at first). When you're not having a flare-up - moist heat is usually best. After an intense workup an ice bath is good (like elite rugby players) to prevent excessive inflammation and swelling around minor injuries.

Chronic injuries can take a while to correct, but the sooner you start, the sooner you feel benefit. After all, you have had them for a while, maybe years or decades.

Try adding some eopsom salts to your hot bath. Try to keep the bath at a constant temperature )not so hot that you go red or feel faint!). You should not stay in the bath while it goes cold.

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